Tennis Instruction - Products & Pricing
Detailed instruction, providing you with a road map as well as a blue print to improve nearly any area of your game.
Each course includes video lessons, detailed text explanation, reference to professional examples - and the lessons are grounded in basic biomechanics as well as fundamental teaching methods. There is a world of online instruction now available - I believe ours is unique as we strive to be lucid, accesible, and in nearly all instances with the opportunity for actual evaluation of your technique from your own video submissions back to Jim.
ETI Network
ETI Network is a unique online membership community for players committed to taking their game to the next level. Each month we introduce a lesson plan that focuses on basic elements of the game.

Building The Serve From The Ground Up
Designed to build a fluid, balanced, effortless serve. Grips, mechanics, spin, sequential analyses, on court drills – you will be able to refer to this coursework again and again.

Mastering The Kick Serve
The kick serve may be the most important shot in your tennis tool box. From grips, to stance, to motion, slow motion video and more – this serve may be the most important part of a your “winning game”

Mastering The Backhand
One and two-handed mechanics, topspin, slice, videos of the pros; your blueprint for a vastly improved backhand. Deconstruct the Federer and Djokovic backhands to improve your own.

Mastering The Forehand
Total forehand instruction that covers both one and two handed shots, on court slow motion demos, professional examples, your key to master the modern forehand.

Mastering The Ground Game
Master the foundational elements of your backcourt ground game. Swing path, point of contact, balance, and footwork, videos of the pros – all begins with the foundation and your game is no different.

All Court Game
To help you become more competitive, winning and losing is less about hitting winners, but more about competing intelligently, understanding the court, understanding your options, and trusting your skill set to make it happen.

The Secrets of World Class Footwork
Movement is the name of the game. For serious improvement – look down at your feet. “Secrets” features the footwork of Stefan Edberg – and includes on court aerobic drills, an online workbook and more.

ETI Streamlining
Many elements of a strong and fluid overhand throwing motion will improve fluidity and power of your game. “Streamline” your forehand and your serve, and even improve your throw along the way.

5 Keys to Tennis Fundamentals
Basic, accessible, and reasonably priced - 5 keys to the drop shot, one handed topspin backhand, the modern double bend forehand, and a primer on grips.

5 Keys to Mental Mastery
So much of our game is played between the ears - explore the art of winning, competing against the pusher, playing smart tennis, and keys to your competitive gut check.

Personalized Stroke Review
If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is by extension worth many thousand words – I believe our unique “Stroke Review – Foundational Coaching Method” – will be priceless.

ETI Network

ETI Network is a unique online membership community for players committed to taking their game to the next level. Each month we introduce a lesson plan that focuses on basic elements of the game. The ETI Network includes a massive, searchable library of over 400 lessons, and provides both an excellent resource as well as a way for you to systematically improve your game. Everyone truly wants to play better - the ETI Network will do that for you.
Start today.
Monthly Lesson Plan
Each monthly issue focuses on a specific area of your game. And within each issue four to six specific lessons will be used to develop the monthly theme.
Actionable lesson plans that work!
Lesson Library
Instant access to over 300 video lessons in easy-to-find categories that include – Singles, doubles, footwork, the mental game, forehand, backhand, serve, volley
Find exactly what you need for any area of your game.
Save on Coursework
As a member in the ETI Network, you receive significant discounts on our extensive coursework offerings.i
Just one of the benefits of membership…
Short, Simple and Inexpensive - 5 keys to unlock your game
Simplicity. Our game is very complex. But equally, many aspects can be broken down into small bites. Discreet elements.
I am confident that the “5 Keys” format will speed your acquisition of these (and other) tennis skills. Each mini course is broken down into 5 key lessons. Within each course, like all my ETI Products, you can comment or ask a question and I will get back to you with an answer.
We currently offer two modules: each module has 4 distinct lessons.
5 Keys to Tennis Fundamentals
Basic, accessible, and reasonably priced - 5 keys to the drop shot, one handed topspin backhand, the modern double bend forehand, and a primer on grips.

5 Keys to Mental Mastery
So much of our game is played between the ears - explore the art of winning, competing against the pusher, playing smart tennis, and keys to your competitive gut check.

Building The Serve From The Ground Up 3.0
For players willing to build or even rebuild their serve - from the ground up
An online multimedia resource for players, coaches and students of the game. With 30 videos, and companion booklet and drill sheets can all be downloaded for your convenience.
Also includes a complementary stroke review valued at $47 – this is where I personally review your serve and provide detailed structured feedback with the exact exercises, highlighted sequential elements and specific articles tailored to your needs.
The following bonuses have been built into BTS and serve as perfect complements to the coursework:

- Side Spin lesson
- Nuances of the Grip
- Throwing Up to Serve with more Snap
- The Whip Serve
- Automatic Teachers for how to Serve on Balance, Winding Up and Unwinding and Snapping the Racquet
Mastering the Kick Serve
You are only as good as your second serve
Your all inclusive, step by step method to master the elements of the Kick Serve – and with more spin on your serves you will play with more confidence, and win more of those close matches. The videos in each of the key sections can also be downloaded for your convenience.
This product comes also comes with a number of bonus products , one of which is The Side Spin Serve, which addresses several key issues that I see a lot when teaching students each and every week.

- Learn the secrets to the placement and location of the toss
- Follow a step by step, how to manual with specific drills
- Use detailed slow motion analysis of a professional kick serve to gain a feel for this action
- See how to use your legs and abdomen to protect against injury to your back, shoulder or elbow
- Discover the racquet path and swing mechanics to make the ball jump higher
- Learn how to use rhythm and relaxation to get more pace and power on this serve
Mastering the Backhand
Learn How to Chip it, Grip it and Rip it and Make the Backhand your Weapon.
One and two-handed mechanics, topspin, slice, videos of the pros, detailed analyses – your blueprint for a vastly improved backhand. Includes detailed analyses of the best one hander (Federer) and two hander (Djokovic) and how you can use those elements to improve your own backhand.
Does the following stuff drive YOU crazy?

- Do you lose confidence when opponents pick on your backhand?
- Have you tried and failed to build a Federer-like one handed topspin or slice?
- Do you know the secrets to Djokovic’s incredible two fisted backhand?
Are you ready to do some serious work on your own? If so this coursework is designed expressly for you!
Mastering the Backhand provides an entire course devoted to your backhand wing. Topspin, slice, drops, floaters, dippers and the two hander – there may be no need to run around this shot once you master the mechanics, temp and tactics.
Mastering The Forehand
The Modern Forehand – more spin, more power, more offense, more consistency– let’s work on yours!
Your all inclusive, step by step method to master the elements of the forehand. The lessons in each of the key sections can also be downloaded for your convenience.
In this course you will…

- Learn the foundational elements of a rock solid forehand
- Follow a step-by-step, how to manual with specific drills
- Use detailed slow motion analysis
- See actual examples from Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Del Potro and Murray
- Explore how varying forehand grips influence spin and speed – and importantly how the point of contact varies with each grip
- Learn how to create more racquet speed with less effort
- Turn your own forehand into a legitimate weapon
Mastering The All Court Game
Apple pressure on offense and defense
MACG is an online course designed to help you become more competitive. So much of our game is about technique and decisions. Technique that enables you to take the ball or the rise, or scramble and through up defensive lobs. But equally the ability to decide what is the shot that offers the least risk and the greatest reward - and that is the nut of creating offensive and equally defensive pressure. Ofttimes, winning and losing is less about hitting winners, and more about competing intelligently, understanding the court, understanding your options, and trusting your skill set to make it happen.
In this course you will…

- Discover technical elements of the ground game to grow your offensive and defensive skills
- Follow an actual student on court as he goes through a progression of serving drills
- Study the geometry of the court that leads to a clear understanding of what shot to hit and when
- Learn the art of cornering the opponent for offensive opportunities
- Master defensive skills - including "if you touch it you can make it" - to make your opponent hit just one more shot
- Come to enjoy the vast repertoire of shots - offensive, neutral, and defensive that make up the competitive tool kit of experienced players
Mastering The Ground Game
Your all inclusive, step by step method to master the elements of the Ground Game. The Videos in each of the key sections can also be downloaded for your convenience.
This product includes the following 6 bonuses

- Primer on The Grip -Explore the 8 sided racquet handle, and versions of forehand and backhand grips that influence both the point of contact and how you can lock your wrist without muscular effort
- Inside Out and Outside In – You can accelerate or decelerate the racquet through the contact zone – either popping or dragging the racquet head – it all depends on the difficulty of the incoming ball.
- Length – the misunderstood element in the ground game
- Key ETI Network Archives specific to the Ground Game
- A Tom Stow reader – Explore background materials of the “Maestro”
- Comparing Backhands – A Tom Stow interpretation of the Agassi & Roddick
The Secrets of World Class Footwork
Welcome to the newly updated and remastered “Secrets of World Class Footwork – Featuring Stefan Edberg”
I originally created this as a video some 8 years ago. And then, as now, I believed that truly the secrets to footwork are simply – starting quickly, regaining balance, and timing the split step.
Further, as is often the case, too many people obscure these elements of footwork when emphasizing explosive movements and more. Plain and simple – good footwork means moving quickly and easily, gliding, hitting on balance, and being on time for the opponent’s subsequent hit.
We have reformatted this into an online course with integrated streaming videos and added material throughout to update “The Secrets.”
Footwork is the name of our game – and it can become the cornerstone of yours – master the secrets!

- Do you know the meaning and feeling of being "light on your feet"?
- Are you slow to start to the ball, or sometimes off balance during the hit?
- Are you willing to practice a proven aerobic choreography to master these skills and more?
Are you ready to do some serious work on your own?
Footwork is the name of the game - and truly balance, starting moves and finishing positions are so often overlooked - you have seen others move gracefully - if you want the same this is the course for you!
ETI Personalized Stroke Review

If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is by extension worth many thousand words – I believe our unique “Stroke Review – Foundational Coaching Method” – will be priceless.
Personalized Stroke Review
Submit your topspin forehand, your cross court backhand, your return of serve, your movement to the ball, or any particular aspect of your game.One type of shot per review, include three examples of this stroke from two separate camera angles.Receive a lucid evaluation with structured feedback and specific takeaways to improve your technique as well as your results.
Foundational Coaching Method – Center to Periphery
Your custom review proceeds from the ground up, and within this method the center will always be primary, and generally the cause of any and all peripheral concerns
Analysis of your center includes evaluation of balance, stance, use of legs, posture and core, and overall effort.
Analysis of your periphery includes swing path, grip, timing and tempo.
My personal review of your video, combined with your own self assessment, allows me to create your own custom evaluation, with both an analysis of technique and specific practice recommendations so that you can make the needed corrections and improvements.
Self Assessment
This self assessment gives me a chance to see how you got to this point, and what you feel about it, as well as what others may have suggested that either did or did not work.
ETI Streamlining
Swinging easily yet hitting hard.
Tennis is a game of rhythm where players are rewarded with effortless swings. But the secret lies (and yes there always seems to be a secret) in using your body and arms naturally, very much like the rhythm and feel of an overhand throwing motion.
Discover the elements of pulling, sequencing, shift of weight and lagging – and imprint this on your forehand and your serve.

Latest Lessons
McEnroe Serving Way off Line July 2, 2023
mac June 29, 2023